Ah… A lot of homework to do. I don’t think subjects like Politics, History, Geography (I don’t select them as the subject to participate in Gaokao) should leave me a lot of homework. I don’t want to list them here. These damn homework, depending on my mood, I may not do them at all.


The mathemathics homework is printed in a book with 36 page. Luckily, it is flexible to finish it after Page 29. I will list them as chapters.

  • In the book
    • 集合与不等式综合训练 (Page 1-4)
    • 函数概念与性质综合训练 (Page 5-8)
    • 指数函数与对数函数综合训练 (Page 9-12)
    • 三角函数综合训练 (Page 13-16)
    • 平面向量及其应用 (Page 17-20)
    • 解三角形 (Page 21-24)
    • 综合一 (Page 25-28)
    • 综合二 (Page 29-32, Flexible)
    • 综合三 (Page 33-36, Flexible)


The physics homework is printed in 6 papers with 10 chapters.

  • In the papers
    • 匀变速直线运动 (Page 1-2) Finished on 2024-02-10
    • 物体的平衡 (Page 3-4) Finished on 2024-02-11
    • 牛顿运动定律 (一) (Page 5-6)
    • 牛顿运动定律 (二) (Page 7-8)
    • 曲线运动 (Page 9-10)
    • 抛体运动 (Page 11-12)
    • 圆周运动 (Page 13-14)
    • 万有引力 (Page 15-16)
    • 功与能 (一) (Page 17-20)
    • 功与能 (二) (Page 21-24)


The chemistry homework is printed in 8 papers with 6 chapters.

  • In the papers
    • 金属与非金属元素 (Page 1-4) Finished on 2024-02-10
    • 离子反应 (Page 5-8) Finished on 2024-02-11
    • 氧化还原反应综合 (Page 9-12)
    • 原子结构与元素周期表 (Page 13-16)
    • 化学反应与能量 (Page 17-24)
    • 综合卷 (Page 25-32)